Anti- Drug related Laws
  • Amendment of Law No. 17/2009-Prohibition of Illegal Production of, Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic Substances.

    Law no. 18/2023


  • Regulation for prevention and control of underage alcoholic beverages consumption.

    Law no. 6/2023


  • Amendment of Law No. 17/2009-Prohibition of Illegal Production of, Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic Substances.

    Law no. 10/2021


  • Amendment of Law No. 17/2009-Prohibition of Illegal Production of, Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic Substances.

    Law no. 22/2020


  • Amendment of Law No. 17/2009-Prohibition of Illegal Production of, Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic Substances.

    Law no. 10/2019


  • Amendment of Law No. 17/2009-Prohibition of Illegal Production of, Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic Substances

    Law no.10/2016

    【B.O.52/2016, 28/12/2016】

  • Amendment of Law No. 17/2009-Prohibition of Illegal Production of, Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic Substances

    Law no. 4/2014

    【B.O. 4/2014, 08/04/2014】

  • Restriction and Prevention on Smoking

    Law n.º 5/2011/M

    【B.O.18/2011, 03/05/2011, A Assembleia Legislativa decreta, nos termos da alínea 1) do artigo 71. da Lei Básica de Região Administrativa Especial de Macau, para valer como lei, o seguinte.】

  • Prohibition of Illegal Production of, Trafficking and Abuse of Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic Substances

    Law n.º 17/2009


  • Road Law (According to this law a penalty will be imposed for driving under the effects of alcohol. In addition, driving license will also be suspended)

    Law n.º 3/2007

    【B.O.19/2007, 07/05/2007】

  • Legal Use on Restricted Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances

    Law n.º 34/99/M


  • Restriction and Prevention on Smoking

    Law n.º 21/96/M

    【B.O.34/1996, 19/8/1996, Com redacção dada pelas Lei n.º 27/96/M e 10/97/M】